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Step Three  ‑ Begin planning distribution of your video.


This step may seem a little premature, simply because distribution of your video isn't possible until the final print has been approved.  We've included this step in the planning phase because while determining your target audience, you'll want to also consider how to reach them.  


Sadly, many corporate clients create their own videos, hand them out to a dozen or so employees or clients, and then forget about them as they get busy with other promotional tools. This is not only costly but negligent. Video can be, and will be, your most powerful promotional and marketing tool.  


But, to achieve its goal, it needs to be seen by its target audience. Achieving your video's goal requires both a solid distribution plan and room in the video budget to get it duplicated, packaged and sent out to your prospects.


Generally, your corporate video is distributed one of two ways.  Either in‑house (a training or inspirational video for employees) or to outside organizations or individuals (to corporate clients and consumers). An in‑house production simply requires the inventory of the video, as well as a selected area to view and study.


Productions generated for an outside audience require many more considerations, such as advertising to promote the availability of your video, for example a video uploaded to the internet.

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